This page contains resources for further learning on topics ranging from Lore, archeology, and source material, to contemporary issues concerning Ireland, paganism, decolonization, and more. For source texts and authors see Readings & Source Texts page.

Irish Mythology and Archeology from Irish scholars:

Story Archeology podcast; one of our favorite sources that dives deep into Irish mythology and helps to put it in context.

Irish Mythology podcast; another excellent mythology podcast that re-imagines the telling of mythological tales.

Mythical Ireland blog; blog site for Anthony Murphy that documents pre-historic megalithic sites.

John Wadell, Archeology and Celtic Myth series; well-respected author and scholar of Irish and Celtic histories.

Blúiríní Béaloidis podcast; a folklore podcast from the National Folklore Collection in Dublin.

Triskelion Press

Irish Archeology

Candlelit Tales

Eddie Lenihan

Voices from the Dawn

Tales from the Wood

Carrowkeel Heritage Center

Rathcrogan Visitor Center

Irish History and Contemporary Issues:

Irish History podcast; a thorough telling of Ireland’s written history including deep dives into critical eras.

The Irish Passport podcast; a podcast on historical and contemporary issues from political to cultural.

Fairy Council of Ireland; “a hub of “intangible heritage”, to connect, empower and showcase Irish projects that seek to remember, protect and develop our culture, land and heritage.”

Wild Awake Ireland; a project “to rekindle ecological and cultural resilience through the restoration of ancestral life ways in Ireland.”

Gaelic Re-existence/Tuiscint na Talún; “exploring the possibilities of the disruption of modern/colonial ways of knowing and being, the revitalisation of older ancestral ways of knowing and being.”

Éigse Spiorad Cheilteach– a festival celebrating Celtic culture and nature-based spirituality.

Tuatha; a guide to Ireland’s mythological and archeological landscape.

Manchán Mangan; Irish author and journalist on Irish language, nature, and more.

Irish Musicians and Artists:

Ancient Music Ireland; musicologists who’ve revived bronze instruments from Ireland’s ancient past.

The Everliving Ones/Jane Brideson

Sean Fitzgerald art

The Bog Bodies band

Ogham Eire Art

Deercún (Gaelic woodland art project)

Amy Louise Art

Irish Language:

Motherfoclóir podcast

Oideas Gael language school

Scottish cultural and pagan links:

Cailleachs Herbarium

Scottish Pagan Federation

Scottish Cunning Ways

Museum of Magic, Fortune-telling, and Witchcraft

Witches of Scotland podcast

Úna Maria Blyth; Shetland occult and folklore writer

The Adders Den; Scottish history, archeology, and folklore

Voices from the diaspora and broader pagan or acedemic community:

Cauldron of the Celts

The Preserving Shrine/Erynn Rowan Laurie

Touta Galation; Gaulish Polytheists

Mystic Media; the Art of Valerie Herron

Sharon Knight Music

Living Liminally blog by Morgan Daimler

Order of the Crows

Finn Longman; queer disabled medievalist writer

Online pagan and polytheist groups

Rath of the Morrígan Facebook group

The Hillfort Discord server (formerly the Coru Hillfort server)

Gaulish Polytheism Community Facebook group