Cathubodua, canu ni risu
Cathurigan, cingethrigan, marethrigan, taran cruach
Battle raven, we sing to you
Queen of battle, Queen of warriors, Queen of the slain, bloody storm
Words by Morpheus Ravenna. Music by Morpheus Ravenna, Rynn Fox and Amelia Hogan. It should be noted that the words of this chant were received and arranged based on oracular inspiration and using a reconstructed version of Gaulish; it is understood that the language of this chant is liturgical, and not perfectly historically accurate Gaulish. This chant is sung in multiple harmonic parts, with the first and second lines interwoven. A recording demonstrating the music of the chant is available for download here.
Mórrígan mórda, nobered búaid
Ban a sídib, ban-cháinti, ban-túaithech, día sóach
Mighty Great Queen, bringer of victory
Woman of the fairy mound, poetess, sorceress, shapeshifting Goddess
Words by Morpheus Ravenna. Music by Morpheus Ravenna, Rynn Fox and Amelia Hogan. This chant is sung in multiple parts, using the same melodic and harmonic structure written for the Gaulish invocation chant above.
Badb catha, bean sidhe, lamia, bean nighe
Battle crow, fairy woman, fury, washer at the ford
Words by Morpheus Ravenna. This chant is intoned rhythmically, or with spontaneous melody as inspired. Strictly speaking, the Furies are distinct from the lamiae in Classical mythology; we use the term “fury” here in a more general sense of a war-fury, as seen in some of the early Irish texts.
Beansidhe, Beansidhe, keening at the well
Who do you claim as you loose the gates of Hell?
The souls of the slain called from your shrieking lips
Your chosen plucked from life with icy fingertips
Oh screaming hag that rides the wind, bring my love to me
For I would see his face again on this Hallows Eve
You wash the soul right from the skin, deliver us from life
Our spirits are renewed in the velvet womb of night
Counterpoint (also used as a stand-alone chant):
Morrigan of the raven wing, yours the song the slain do sing
Mighty queen of forgotten things, open up the gate
Words and music by Sharon Knight (Used with permission for Coru Priesthood. For music, visit Sharon Knight’s page.)
Kings arise to the battle!
Queens arise to the battle!
We rise up! With the power of the spear.
Rise up! With the strength of the sword.
Rise up! With the courage in our hearts.
Rise Up! Rise!!!
Words and music by T. Thorn Coyle. Written for Morrígan Devotional, PantheaCon 2011. Used with permission.
Macha, great Sun of womanhood | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, greatness of wealth | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha greatness of pride | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, white shining royal mare | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha who calls forth horses to the race | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, warhorse of the hero’s chariot | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, swelling breasts of the rich land | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, shaper of fortress heights | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, bright plain defended by warriors | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha first ancestor’s daughter | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha of the birthing pangs | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha mother of heralded twins | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, red-maned warrior | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha who revels in red slaughter | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, your harvest the heads of the slain | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha sister of the dreaded three | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha red-painted sorceress | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha whose rage is the curse of tribes | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha who gives battle for sovereignty | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha seven years reigning | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, bride of Sovereignty | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha whose memory stands among Kings | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha whose name is the battlefield | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha the name of the place of assembly | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, greatness of wealth | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha greatness of pride | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Macha, great Sun of womanhood | Macha, mighty Queen, Macha, mighty Queen
Words by Morpheus Ravenna. This chant is designed as a call and response; each line given as a call, with a repeating response line. It is is intoned rhythmically or with spontaneous melody.