Coru Cathubodua Priesthood
A Polytheist Priesthood of the Morrigan
The Coru Cathubodua is a Celtic Polytheist Priesthood dedicated to the Morrígan in Her many forms, and honoring the family of Celtic Gods and heroes. Service, sovereignty, hospitality, and warriorship are the values that guide the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood. We are Pagan Polytheist priests working to advance our mission to honor the Gods and support our communities through acts of individual and community service and devotion. Guided by our Queen, the Morrígan, Celtic Goddess of sovereignty, prophecy, and battle, we welcome all who share this commitment to bringing these values to life for all people.
Sovereignty, Warriorship, Service, and Hospitality
In our work, the Coru is guided by values distilled from the traditions of Celtic spirituality and myth, the milieu within which the Morrígan’s lore and identity arose. We express these core values through a four-fold structure based in the lore and symbolism of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann from the Irish mythological and heroic tales.
Service Above Self
The myths speak of a model of leadership undertaken as a path of service, rather than in the interest of personal pride and self-aggrandisement. We recognize service as a value at the core of our work as a priesthood and as individuals. Priesthood, as with any form of leadership or empowered sovereignty, must be undertaken in the spirit of service. Only when our work arises from a desire to be of service rather than to rule, can we truly wield the Sword as the tool and weapon of kingship. The power of the Sword teaches us that true sovereignty is a path of personal sacrifice, as we must act from a commitment to the well-being and protection of that which is in our care above concern for ourselves, and it is from that commitment to service that authority arises.